Saturday, March 1, 2008

"Good" Food

There are so many ways to define good food. We all have to eat something, and we want that something to be good. Good for our taste buds. Good for our bodies. Good to look at. Good for the environment. Good for the plants and animals we're eating. Good for the people who grow the plants and animals we're eating. There's an endless stream of information about how to eat low fat, organic, seasonal, local, vegetarian, vegan... it's hard to keep up and to prioritize.
Today, eating good for me is going to simply mean cooking something. It doesn't really matter what, just something more than hummus on a bagel, or 6 carrots and 3 cookies, or anything from the cafeteria. To aid me in this endeavor, I checked out a few inspiring cookbooks from the library. I then proceeded to the grocery store and indulged: hominy in a can, pine nuts, strawberries, red potatoes, pears, fresh tortellini, salmon, brie. Let the new food adventures come my way.

First up: Tortellini Soup, modified from Toni Lydecker's Serves One. Ten minutes to veggies and tortellini in broth (I used Better than Bouillon paste), that's the jist. Yum! And pretty too.

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